Okay, so I had my surgery scheduled, and I figured that would be the end of it except for the waiting part.
Unfortunately, I am very naive.
Before surgery, I had to attend a 4-hour pre-op diet class. So, once again, I got up at the crack of dawn and drove to Knoxville. I was running my usual 15 minutes late when I got stuck in morning traffic behind an accident at my exit. Joy.
Lucky for me, the people at the weight loss office are smart. They tell people to be there at 8am, but the class doesn't actually start until 8:30. So when I raced in at 8:25, I was actually five minutes early. At least, that's the way I see.
The class was very good. It was full of pre-op and post-op diet advice, risks and warning signs, helpful tips about dealing with problems, etc. I walked away with a much better understanding of how my life was going to change. I also walked away with $146.27 in special food.
Special food, you ask? But of course! Another hoop was that I needed to be on a 800-calorie-a-day diet for two weeks before surgery. Seriously, 800 calories a day? Try it some time... but not when I'm around.
After the class, I had one final hoop: the pre-surgery appointment. I had to fast for this one (no food after midnight), and stop drinking at noon. Needless to say, I was hungry, thirsty, and very grumpy by the time I finished at 5 o'clock. But everyone along the way was very nice, including the guy who tapped me for nine (yes, 9!) vials of blood for tests.
Finally, after nearly three months of tests, appointments, and more money than I really want to think about, I was ready for surgery.
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